Promotion Package


This Promotion Package is intended to provide direction and inspiration for your organization as it develops materials to market its presence in OuterSpatial. By creating marketing materials that contain a clear and succinct call to action and build excitement, curiosity, and a sense of adventure, your organization can inspire its visitors to get outside while also strengthening its brand and reaching new audiences.

This document provides guidance on messaging, tone, and personality, along with design recommendations and graphics you can utilize in both your print and web marketing efforts.

As you develop your marketing materials, we ask that you please follow the detail outlined in this knowledge base article to ensure a level of consistency across the marketing efforts of all of OuterSpatial's organization partners. This will ultimately benefit the entire OuterSpatial ecosystem — including both organizations that utilize OuterSpatial and their visitors.

Messaging, Tone, and Personality

Content developed for marketing materials should capture the attention of visitors right away by building excitement, curiosity, and a sense of adventure. Demonstrate that your app is a reliable outdoor guide, with authoritative information coming directly from your organization and its partners. Share highlights and features of the app with your visitors to encourage them to download it immediately.

When talking about OuterSpatial in your copywriting, ask yourself: "Is this copy trustworthy? Empowering? Adventurous? Useful?" These are the four emotional metaphors that are core to OuterSpatial's mission to get more people outside and make the experience engaging and accessible.

A few examples:

  1. "Next time you hit the trails at Aquinnah Headlands Preserve, up the adventure by downloading #OuterSpatial and engaging in all aspects of the preserve with our easy-to-use interface and supportive features."
  2. "Find us on #OuterSpatial! OuterSpatial is your guide to getting outside that uses technology to connect outdoor organizations and communities. Receive accurate information before you go and have the best outdoor experience possible!"

Below is the app store description for the OuterSpatial app. Feel free to use this copy (or excerpts from it) to describe OuterSpatial in your marketing materials.

The guide to all your favorite outdoor activities, OuterSpatial connects you with other like-minded adventurers and the organizations that protect and manage your favorite outdoor places.

Use OuterSpatial to discover new experiences, navigate while on the trail, and connect with others who love to play outdoors. OuterSpatial makes getting outside easy by putting information about amazing destinations – including curated content, featured events, directions, photos, maps, and brochures – right at your fingertips.


  1. A browsable, up-to-date library of outdoor recreation information maintained by our partner organizations.
  2. Beautiful maps designed specifically for outdoor usage.
  3. Transit, biking, walking, and driving directions to trailheads, campgrounds, and other points of interest.
  4. Information about events.
  5. Real-time updates about on-the-ground conditions.
  6. Social tools to help you contribute back to your favorite organization and share your story with other adventurers."

Design Recommendations and Graphics

OuterSpatial Logos

Always include the full OuterSpatial logo when creating marketing materials for the OuterSpatial app. This introduces visitors to the OuterSpatial brand and lets them know which app to download.

The colored version of the OuterSpatial logo should be applied wherever possible. The white OuterSpatial logo should only be used when color cannot be accommodated.

You can also use the OuterSpatial app logo as a secondary way of representing your organization's presence in OuterSpatial. It should, however, never be tweaked, stretched, or manipulated. Additionally, the area around the app logo should always provide enough clear space to ensure that the logo does not intersect external elements.

You can download raw graphics for both the OuterSpatial logo and the OuterSpatial app logo here:

Store Badges

Include the App Store and Google Play badge on all marketing materials to let your visitors know the OuterSpatial app is available for both iOS and Android devices. These badges are immediately recognizable, and they provide a clear call to action so visitors know to download the app from their store of choice. Click through the links below to view detailed guidance from Apple and Google on how to use their store badges and download source files in multiple formats to use in your marketing materials.

If you are using the app store badges in print marketing material, you may want to link to as a primary call to action because it's an easy URL to remember and type, and the landing page of our website includes clickable app store badges "above the fold".


OuterSpatial relies heavily on photographs within the app to engage users and give them a preview of the places they can explore. If you decide to use photographs in your organization's marketing materials, use high-quality photos with minimal photographic filters.

App Screenshots

Utilizing screenshots from the OuterSpatial app in your marketing materials is a great way to quickly give visitors an idea of what functionality to expect when they download and install the app.

We recommend "framing" any screenshots in an up-to-date iPhone or Android mockup. There are a plethora of free resources available on the web — from phone mockup graphics you can use to frame your screenshots to tools that accept a screenshot and spit out a framed mockup for you.

If your organization has access to graphic editing software and you're looking for phone mockup graphics, we recommend just doing a search for "iPhone mockup graphics" or "Android mockup graphics". You'll quickly find that there's no shortage of freely-available graphics you can use in your graphic editing software of choice.

If you prefer to upload screenshots and get framed mockups back out, you can use a service like MockUPhone.

If you don't know how to take a screenshot on your device, here are links to the Apple and Google help docs that outline the process on iPhone and Android phones, respectively:


Social Media Hashtag

Posting to social media is a great way to reach new visitors and build a digital community for your organization. When posting to social media, please always make sure you use the #OuterSpatial hashtag so other organizations and visitors can find you on your social media platform of choice!

Deep Links and QR Codes

Your organization can utilize deep links, with associated QR codes, in its marketing materials to ease the process of onboarding both new and existing users into the OuterSpatial app.

Deep links are short URLs that direct a user to a specific piece of content when opened on a mobile device. For instance, a deep link that's associated with your organization screen in OuterSpatial Mobile will take a user directly to that screen when they click on it.

Each deep link also has a QR code associated with it. This QR code acts as a shortcut to the deep link, allowing users to open it without manually typing a URL into their phone.

To get a deep link and associated QR code for a piece of content, you can create a Campaign in OuterSpatial Manager.

Smart App Banners

Smart App Banners, which are sometimes called "App Banners" or "App Install Banners", give users a call to action to download the app from one or more pages on your website. They display as a simple banner at the top of each of your site's web pages, and they can be easily dismissed by your users. Both Apple and Google recommend adding Smart App Banners to your website to highlight the existence of your mobile app.

If the user who is viewing your website has already installed OuterSpatial on their device, the Smart App Banner will know this and will offer to open the app for them. If the user does not have OuterSpatial installed, the Smart App Banner will take them to the appropriate app store.

We highly recommend adding the Smart App Banner functionality to your website. To implement these banners within your site, you can review the resources found here:

  1. Safari
  2. Chrome

Other Resources

  1. Follow Five Rivers MetroParks' Recipe for Success
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